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Ngày đăng: 26/10/2017, 09:10 am

Cách trồng lan lên đá làm tiểu cảnh tuyệt vời mà Troh Bư không thể không học tập khi tạo sinh cảnh lan trong khu bảo tồn... Dĩ nhiên là nếu có điều kiện. Mình cũng đã từng lờ mờ hình dung ra kiểu trồng như thế này nhưng hôm nay thì đúng là có mô hình mẫu chuẩn không thể chỉnh luôn. Mơ trúng số Việt Lốt để em cải tạo 250m2 trong khu tiêu bản lan Troh Bư thành ... một chậu lan tự nhiên không lồ làm Ngũ bách lan viên. Hihi!

2012 April Flowers.

The weather has been quite mild this last month but nights are getting a little cooler.

Been some new flowering and a lot of the usual plants are flowering such as, Brassavola nodosa, Bulbophylum rothschildiana and most of the ones from last month.

The new for this month are,

Bulbophyllum lepidum.

Cool to Intermediate. a small grower,flowers 1 by 2.5cm long.

A little closer view.

Cattleya jenmannii.

Cool to Intermediate. A medium grower, always worth another photo, flower 14cm with a nice fragrance.

Dendrobium montanum.

Cool to Intermediate. A medium grower,not sure about the name as the labellum looks a bit suss,first flowering, flower 2.5cm.

Dendrobium secundum.

Cool to Intermediate. A medium grower, this is really taking off at the moment, the new cane is 60cm long and 14cm thick, flowers only small 2mm.

A closer view with ants.

Epidendrum haematum.

Cool to Intermediate. A smallish grower, this shot shows just how well this plant is doing.

Gastrochilus calceolus.

Cool to Intermediate. A small grower, this is the first flowering, flower 2.5cm, have left it on it’s host hoping it will transfer on to the rock.

A closer view.

Laelia perrinii fma coerulea.

Cool to Intermediate. A medium grower, this is the first flowering and the plant will get larger, flower 13cm.

A closer view.

Psygmorchis pusilla.

Cool to Intermediate. A very small grower, flowers bigger than the plant 2.5cm,they seem to flower themselves to death, this is the first flowering and hopefully not the last.

2012 March Flowers

2012 March Flowers.

Bit of a strange month a lot of rain and the temperature dropping a bit, but no losses and more flowers along with the ones still flowering make good viewing

Some of the plants are getting quite large and they look so good just growing the way they want to, so far nobody is overbearing.

Still have a lot of plants to flower for the first time, but get a lot of joy when any of them flower.

Flowering them in situe is just as frustrating as growing them in pots as they will flower when they are ready,( which is the day after the show), but that is the joy of growing orchids.

All the plants grow in Cool to Intermediate conditions.

New flowers for this month are,


Brassidium Hybrid.

This is a medium grower,flower 12cm, this is the first flowering.

Brassia arcuigera.

A medium grower,semi pendulous inflorescence, good in a basket, flower 9cm x 26cm.

A closer view.

Cattleya bowringiana fma coerulea.

A medium grower, this is the first flowering on the wall, flower 6cm.

A closer view.

Cattleya bowringiana‘ Black Prince’.

A medium grower, this is the first flower on the wall, flower 7cm.

Ceratostylis retisquama.

A small rambling grower, this one has trebled it’s size and is flowering really well and three or four time a year

Coelogyne ovalis fma alba.

A small rambling grower, this time the flowering is great and will flower for a couple of months,flower 4cm.

This one is on the top of the wall.

This is another plant, this one is in the wall and the other is on the wall.

Dendrobium bracteosum.

A medium grower, usually flowers on a bare cane, but this has flowered near the base of the cane and will stay in flower for months, hopefully it flower again on the same cane when the leaves have fallen off.

The plant along side is Coelogyne ovalis one of the first plantings and if you look back to those photos you will see how much it has grown.

Dendrobium lawesii fma bicolor.

A small grower and an absolute gem, as with this section they keiki regularly with some developing roots others just hanging there and flowering.

Dendrobium mutabile.

A tallish scraggly grower, this one seems to have settled down now and is growing well and is flowering good.

Dendrobium violaceum.

A small grower, flower 1.5 x 3cm long, this is the first flowering.

A close view.

Another close view.

Laelia anceps.

A medium grower, flower,9cm, first flowering here possibly like a bit more heat.

A closer view.

Miltonia clowesii.

A medium grower,nice blend of colours.

Miltonia spectabilis var morelliana.

A medium grower, normally a quick grower but mine are taking their time, flower 9cm.

A closer view.

Neolehmannia porpax.

A small creeping grower, this is the type form, flower 2cm.

Neolehmannia porpax ‘Chiquita’.

A small creeping grower, flower only small but many 2cm, this is the reddy brown form and this is really taking off now.

Oncidium Gower Ramsey ‘Ladda’.

A medium grower,many flowered branched inflorescence, flower 4cm.

A closer view.

Schombolaelia Hybrid.

A large grower, flower 10cm, nice fragrance.

Schombolaelia Splendid Spire.

A large grower, inflorescence 800cm tall, flower 10cm and flowers well.

A closer view.

Spathoglottis bulbosa.

A large to medium terrestrial grower, progressive flowerer, flower 5cm,beautiful plicate leaves.

A closer view.

Spathoglottis Hybrid.

A medium terrestrial grower, inflorescence 950cm,flower 6cm, progressive flowerer.

Spathoglottis paulineae.

A medium terrestrial grower, consecutive flowerer over a long period, flowers 6cm.

A closer view.

With all the rain the tree ferns have really grown very well and the base of the wall is getting covered with Maiden Hair fern and Filmy fern,there are even some mossy spots on the wall.

We are finding different ferns popping up, from where I do not know.

There are some Asplenium and Belvisia ferns also coming up, so I guess the conditions are just right.

This is top of the left hand side of the wall.

This is the top of the wall at the left hand side.

This is the lower part of the left hand side of the wall.

This is the top of the wall just left of the center.

This is the lower part of the wall to the left of the center.

This is the top of the center of the wall.

This is the lower center part of the wall.

This is the lower part of the wall just to the right of center.

This is the top part of the wall just to the right of center.

This is the lower part of the far right hand side of the wall.

This is the top of the wall at the far right.

This is looking back along the wall from the right hand end to the left hand end.

This is the end of the right hand side wall where it meets the right hand end of the rear wall in the corner.

This is the right hand side wall and this is the right hand side of it.

Moss starting to grow on the wall in places.

Shows some moss starting to grow on the wall.


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